Pooch Party |
Lizzy was
excited to have a Pooch Party. She invited friends who owned dogs. First each
dog was groomed by their owners and dolled up with ribbon and other hair styling
items. The short haired dogs were a lot easier to groom.
After the grooming was complete, there was a 'Dog Show'. Each dog was judged
on grooming, appearance (use of ribbons, etc.); and the commands of heel,
sit, stay, shake, lie down, and roll over. A couple of the dogs had the opportunity
to play on the park equipment after their judging was over. However, soon
other children came to play on the equipment, so we removed the dogs from
the playground. Naturally, hot dogs were served in honor of the occasion!
Then everyone enjoyed the cake after singing a new version of 'Happy Birthday'
. The words included, 'Happy pooch party to you'! Click on any of the
pictures below to see a larger version of the pictures.